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1 May 2008 – 21 May 2008

Real Corp 008: Mobility Nodes As Innovation Hubs - Vienna

[i]13th International Conference on Urban Planning and Regional Development in the Information Society 3rd International Vienna Real Estate Conference GeoMultimedia008 [/i] May 19-21, 2008, Vienna International Airport, Austria Transport hubs are nerve centers of our modern mobile =ociety and rapidly become economic centers - the new "Airport Cities" are =emarkable examples. Where many people come together information and =nowledge is shared and new ideas are created, and so airports, train stations, =otorway rests become knowledge- and innovation hubs. The international conference REAL CORP 008 focuses on the mobility hubs of the 21st century and discusses: - How can the role of transport hubs as innovation hubs be improved? - Which technologies ensure the reliable functioning of the hubs and where is further improvement needed? - How can anticipatory planning ensure the sustainable development of those structures? - How can unmeant spatial developments be avoided? - How can environmental issues be dealt with? [b]CALL FOR PAPERS:[/b] The call for papers (reviewed und non-reviewed) is open, the deadlines are for REVIEWED PAPERS •[b]submission of abstracts until January 31st 2008[/b] •full papers / draft until March 15th 2008 •print-ready papers until April 15th 2008 for NON-REVIEWED PAPERS •submission of abstracts until February 29th 2008 •print-ready papers until March 31st 2008 General information on CORP-conferences: •held annually since 1996, have become the biggest annual conference on "Urban Development in Information and Knowledge Society" •450 participants from all over the world •100+ presentations and workshops, social program, exhibition •experts and decision makers from private enterprises, politics, science and administration •all papers from 1996 on are published online at and can be downloaded for free Visit the official site:

Event schedule:

  • Start: 05-01-2008
  • End: 05-21-2008.