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7 December 2009 – 8 December 2009

Regional Development And Spatial Organisation - Belgrade (Serbia)

[i]International Scientific Conference[/i] 7th and 8th December 2009, Belgrade, Serbia Thematic scope of the conference: а. european initiatives and documents and their implication on the regional development of serbia b. regional development and territorial capital c. development and organisation of the special purpose areas d. development and organisation of the infrastructure corridors e. development, revitalisation and organisation of urban and rural areas f. sustainable development, environment, and energy efficiency g. institutional, normative and methodological aspects of planning and implementation h. information systems, the system of indicators and monitoring The conference aims:  Coordination of strategies for regional spatial development of Serbia with the European initiatives and documents;  Overview of the perspectives for regional development and territorial organisation of Serbia;  Management improvements for the regional spatial development;  Contribution to sustainable use of natural resources  Rationalisation of development and spatial organisation in urban and rural areas;  Analysis of the urban centres’ impact on regional spatial development;  Coordination of planning and other activities (documents) through planning process and implementation;  Contribution to improvements of normative, institutional, organisational, and methodological solutions in the sphere of planning and implementation;  Contribution to improvements of environmental quality, energy efficiency, waste management, etc.;  Contribution to development of spatial information systems, system of indicators and monitoring;  Evaluation of sustainable regional development and spatial organisation concepts in practice, etc. Conference organisers: Institute in cooperation with the Republic Agency for Spatial Planning Preparation of papers: a) invited papers (keynote presentations), and b) other papers (reports and proceedings) [b]Deadline for paper registration (abstract submission) 31st May 2009 Deadline for the full paper submission: 31st August 2009 [/b] Paper volume: а) keynote papers: 5,000 – 10,000 words б) other papers: 2,500 – 5,000 words Further instructions on preparation of the conference papers are to follow. The conference proceedings will be published in English or in Serbian language. The conference will have internationals Scientific Board. Visit the official site:

Event schedule:

  • Start: 12-07-2009
  • End: 12-08-2009.