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7 September 2007 – 31 October 2007

Revitalization of the Riverine Front of Oporto in the Zone of Priority Intervention

[i]International contest for ideas [/i] The Contest for ideas within the Revitalization of the Riverine Front of Oporto in the Zone of Priority Intervention, here from designated as ‘Intervention Area’, has as object finding and awarding a coherent and transversal common idea, as well as physical and pragmatic, doable and sustainable solutions, in an economic-financial perspective, constituting anchors for the revitalization of the river front between D. Pedro V street and Maria Pia Bridge, in Oporto city, at the following levels: • Re-qualification of the river Douro bank and marginal way; • Reordering the urban tissue through the filling of gaps, specific projects for available containers, the rehabilitation of the involving buildings and the creation of an urban park at the Guindais Slope; • Promoting the physical and non material connections between the Riverine Front, Downtown and Oporto city; • Promoting tourism, culture and leisure, as well as economically compatible activities, turning the Riverine Front into a pole of permanent entertainment for residents and visitors. Porto Vivo, SRU- Sociedade de Reabilitação Urbana da Baixa Portuense, within its mission of Urban Rehabilitation and Revitalization, launches an International Contest, open to multidisciplinary teams, having as objective the Revitalization of the Riverine Front in the Zone of Priority Intervention. The purpose is to find a global idea for the area within the competition. That idea should be divisible in three operative units and a transversal project, corresponding to three different levels of approach. The operative units of the project and the transversal project should not only be complementary between themselves, relating as parts of a whole (the leading idea), but also possess the necessary autonomy, so that its execution can occur in different temporal horizons, without compromising the whole. The operative units to limit comprehend: U-A) river Douro bank and marginal way U-B) area west from Luís I Bridge U-C) area east from Luís I Bridge To ensure the success of the entire operation, it is necessary to execute a transversal project of exploration/ entertainment for the public space and for the buildings. The Proposals must be delivered in hand or by registered mail in the Premises of the Coordinating Entity, at Rua Mouzinho da Silveira, n.º 212, 4050-417 Porto, Portugal, [b]until 06.00 p.m. of October 31st 2007[/b]. For more information:

Event schedule:

  • Start: 09-07-2007
  • End: 10-31-2007.