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2 November 2006 – 4 November 2006

Security, democracy and cities

[i]European forum for Urban Safety[/i] Zaragoza, Spain 2-3-4 November 2006 [b]Who should attend?[/b] Elected officials, volunteers, police officers, teachers, firemen, civil security chiefs, judges and prosecutors, private security promoters, social workers, public health officials, youth workers, local policy co-ordinators and trainers. [b]Urban Security Issues[/b] The world of cities has changed under the impact of the opening up of economic borders, the development of population migrations and the continuation of poverty and social and cultural exclusion. From local to global, from the street to the international level, governance of security is confronted with challenges from technology and with the respect of liberties. [b]At the Forum[/b] Twelve workshops will allow for thinking about local practices by comparing them, with the help of prestigious experts and partners. Stakeholders in security will be able to display their most successful realisations by all possible means; internet, exhibition stands, the media. Keynote speakers include Franco Frattini, Vice President of the European Commission and Commissioner for Justice, Liberties and Security and Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba, Ministry of Interior of Spain. For more information:

Event schedule:

  • Start: 11-02-2006
  • End: 11-04-2006.