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14 September 2021 – 16 September 2021
Sense of past and sense of place Designing Heritage Tourism
International Conference
Venice, Palazzo Badoer
deadline for abstracts: 8 February 2021
DHTL - Designing Heritage Tourism Landscapes | Website
DHTL Call For Paper | PDF
In all its multiple meanings the word heritage refers to what we inherit from the past, both in material and immaterial sense. Some authors speak about heritage as a sense of past, meant as a form of past self-awareness, as a collective experience and as an essential dimension of a culture. Some other authors believe that the idea of heritage deals with the ability to put the contemporary human signs into an historical perspective, so developing a sense of place, that is the place’s value and meaning.
Therefore, heritage can be intended as sense of past and sense of place together. The heritage’s existence itself lies in the ability to read/interpret the sense of belonging of something inherited from the past to a specific place, as well as in the shared need to preserve and deliver it to future generations.
In order to share knowledge and produce new research questions, the conference is addressed to figures involved in:
• universities and research institutes operating in the architectural design field
• local and regional authorities for government and territorial protection
• heritage preservation institutions
• authors of architectural projects of national or international relevance
second call for papers
by 08 February 2021
Authors are kindly asked to contribute through oral reports, proposing an abstract (min. 1500 and max. 3000 characters) in English or Italian, filling in the application form, including maximum 3 images, 5 bibliographical references and a short author’s bio
by 02 March 2021
The Scientific Committee will select the best proposals and will insert them in the conference panels. Accepted contributes of registered participants will be displayed in the official program and published in the Conference proceedings with ISBN number. for selected participants
by 12 April 2021
Selected authors will deliver the final paper for publication in the Conference proceedings (max. 15.000 characters in English), following the editorial guidelines that will be provided.
by 12 April 2021
Selected authors will deliver the final paper for publication in the Conference proceedings (max. 15.000 characters in English), following the editorial guidelines that will be provided.
Participants will pay the conference fee:
• regular fee € 220; • participants under 35 € 110.
The fee covers:
• publication of the Conference proceedings
• lunches and coffee breaks
promoted by
DHTL - Designing Heritage Tourism Landscapes
schools of architecture network
Mauro Marzo, Viviana Ferrario, Viola Bertini
Università Iuav di Venezia, Dipartimento di Culture del progetto
organized by
Università Iuav di Venezia, Dipartimento di Culture del progetto
IUAV DHTL Call For Paper | Website
Event schedule:
- Start: 09-14-2021
- End: 09-16-2021.
The Journal of Urbanism
ISSN 1723-0993
owned by
Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica
published by
Planum Association
ISSN 1723-0993 | Registered at Court of Rome 4/12/2001, num. 514/2001
Web site realized by ChannelWeb & Planum Association | Powered by BEdita 3