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30 September 2007 – 30 October 2007

SURPRISE final conference

SURPRISE final conference. Rome 5-10-2007 [b]S[/b]ustainability on [b]U[/b]rban [b]R[/b]egeneration [b]Pr[/b]ograms [b]I[/b]n [b]S[/b]outhern [b]E[/b]urope The sub-project SURPRISE meets the [url=]PROGRESDEC[/url]’s needs to validate whether urban policies under the European Spatial Development Perspective (ESDP) have been implemented at neighbourhood level. SURPRISE overall objective has been to share, transfer and compare field-experiences in Urban Regeneration/Renewal/Rehabilitation Policies (URPs), in order to produce methodological guidelines useful for helping policy makers. download the [url=]meeting programme[/url] SURPRISE official web site:

Event schedule:

  • Start: 09-30-2007
  • End: 10-30-2007.