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20 July 2007 – 27 July 2007

The beauty and the beast

[i]5th International Seminary of Architecture [/i] Research in architecture, urbanism and design 20- 27 july 2007 Faculty of Architecture, TU Lisbon The contemporary tendency to aestheticize all the experience of the world turned Architectute and arts related into a performance, and transformed its production into essentially representative objects. However, is the first distinction, connected to the ethical judgement, which provides meaning to the ultimate expression of the aesthetic fruition process: the recognition, through/by those who experience, of the Beautiful and the Beast. Thematic Areas: - Ethics and Aesthetics - Retoric of Beauty - Beyond Expression - Management Project For more information contact: [][/url]

Event schedule:

  • Start: 07-20-2007
  • End: 07-27-2007.