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28 May 2008 – 29 May 2008

The quality of density

[i]Workshops and Master Classes Third Annual International Conference[/i] May 28 - 29, 2008 Bat-Yam, Israel MIU's third annual International conference on New Urbanism in Israel invites participants from around the world to participate in a discussion of how to build quality urban environments at high densities. The issue of density is central for the achievement of an urban renaissance. On the one hand we all know that Israel is one of the densest countries in the world, and that it is becoming even denser. On the other hand decision makers and the public are wary of density and its impacts on quality of living in cities. We believe that the discussion of density cannot be done in the abstract, but on the basis of various solutions for organizing urban space. Density can be a blessing, if handled well, because it is necessary for an intense economic, social and cultural life in cities. Density however has its dangers. The difference between successful and unsuccessful cities lies in their handling of the organization of urban space to maximize density’s advantages, and minimize its perils. Bat Yam, the second densest city in Israel in population per Km.sq., and the densest in dwelling units per Km.sq. is an ideal place to investigate and discuss the issue of density in cities, and how one makes it an urban asset. The conference is intended as a forum of discussion for all who are concerned about cities, and urban life in Israel including: •Political leaders •Developers •Professionals in the planning and building of cities: city planners, architects, engineers, surveyors, social scientists, economists, legal experts. •Non-governmental organizations and concerned citizens Conference Aims - To develop in roundtable discussions the basis for a declaration on urban density as a tool for urban renaissance. - To form a partnership with the City of Bat-Yam, Schools of Architecture and Planning, and Government Ministries and Agencies on the importance of urban cities as a tool in improving their quality and conserving open space. - To increase awareness among the professional and academic community, decision makers at local and national levels, developers and the public of the possibility and benefits of developing urban areas at high densities. - To present, debate and develop the practical tools necessary for the creation of dense, humane, harmonious and sustainable urban environments. During the conference we will hold several activities: Plenary sessions will present work from around the world, and major issues and projects in Israel. Roundtable discussions will develop the basis for a declaration on urban density. Guests from abroad will hold Master Classes with top level decision makers at the local and national level, and the results of a student competition for intense and dense urban projects in the city of Bat-yam will be presented. Plenary Sessions 1.Opening session – Urban Density and Quality of Life – Introducing the city of Bat-Yam and the themes of the roundtable workshops. 2.For and Against High Rise Residential Buildings – a roundtable discussion with representatives of Bat-Yam, the developers, the district commission, Environmental NGO’s, MIU and the public. 3.Declaration on Urban Density – presenting the work done in the roundtable workshops 4.Between Urban Renewal and Urban Renaissance – Presenting urban renaissance projects from abroad and discussion of alternatives to the Urban Renewal project sponsored by the Ministry of Construction and Housing and the Ministry of the Treasury. 5.Closing session – Designing for Urban Density – Presentation of the winners of the students competition, and ideas for improving urban space in the city of Bat-Yam Themes of the Roundtable Workshops a.Achieving high densities with an urban texture of streets and squares b.The transportation infrastructure necessary to achieve high density urban living c.Achieving mixed use and livable urban areas d.Achieving a socially and economically diverse dense city e.Providing open space and public services for a dense city Master Classes Each day of the conference, our guests from abroad will hold a Master Class for top level officials and professionals at the local and national level Special Events - Presenting the activity of Urban Mix – the next generation of MIU at the Bat-Yam Biennale - Presentation of MIU’s flagship project – the Center of Kiryat Shmona - Presentation of the Student Competition for Urban Projects in Bat-Yam - Guided Tours in the City - My favorite dense place – exhibit showing conference participants documentation of their favorite dense place For more information and registration see:

Event schedule:

  • Start: 05-28-2008
  • End: 05-29-2008.