11 November 2020
International Seminar
The transformation of office districts and workspaces today
Online on Webex
11 Nov. 2020, from 9:15 am - 1:15 pm | 2:00 – 3:15 pm
Webex Viritual Classroom Bonfantini | To join the seminar
AUIC Polimi | WebPage Event
The seminar represents a moment of discussion and knowledge sharing about the issue of modification of office districts and service workspaces. Even before the effects caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the request of reconfigurations of office districts and buildings was a tangible reality in various European contexts, driven by diverse reasons: the vacancy created by a surplus of realizations by the real estate markets; the request of better quality and comfort; a multiplicity of services workplaces' geographies; changes in lifestyle and labour practices. Some of these conditions have been moreover dramatically affected by the current COVID-19 pandemic. Considering both realized projects and ongoing researches, the seminar intends to reflect on strategies, design tools and processes for the reconfiguration of office districts, with particular attention to urban scale, role, and issues of urban regeneration: soil design, in-between public space structure, presence of temporary and mixed activities, flexibility and greenery.
In this framework, complex projects of regeneration are presented in the opening and final sessions; current trends and projects in Milan are part of the second session; cutting-edge experiences are illustrated in the third section. Aim of the seminar is to focus on design trajectories and processes to reimage the office-directional workspaces as more able to absorb urban modifications and practices and to interpret new challenges of sustainability.
9.15 - 9.39 | Opening
Massimo Bricocoli, Head of DAStU Department, Polimi
Bertrando Bonfantini, DAStU Polimi
09.30 - 9.45 | Reasons of the seminar, research and design
questions obbiettivi, protagonisti ed esiti”
Giulia Fini, DAStU Polimi
09.45 - 10.45 | First Session
Lyon Part-Dieu, Contemporary Metropolitan Hub:
regeneration strategies and tools for a complex unitary
project | François Decoster, l’AUC, Paris
Collaborative urban transformation - Learning
from Amstel III, Amsterdam | Saskia Beer,
Transformcity, Amsterdam
*Question and Open Discussions
11.00 - 12.00 | Second Session
Wellbeing in the workplace. New interventions and
refurbishment of office blocks in Milan | Michele
Rossi, Park Associati, Milan
Coworking spaces in Milan: places for remote workers
during the Covid-19 pandemic? | Ilaria Mariotti,
DAStU, Polimi
*Question and Open Discussions
12.15 - 13.15 | Third Session
The Luchtsingel regeneration, Rotterdam. From an
refurbishment of office blocks in Milan | Kristian
Koreman, ZUS Zones Urbaines Sensibles, Rotterdam
Brussels European District: a water project for binding
service sector and context | Marco Ranzato
Dipartimento di Architettura, Università di Roma3
*Question and Open Discussions
Lunch Break 13.15 |- 14.00
14.00 - 15.15 | Fourth Session
Paris La Défense: Le Plan Guide des Espaces Publics
and the Grande Arche Jardins | Alessandra
Cianchetta, AWP Ltd, Architechts London,New York
*Question and Open Discussions
Final Roundtable and Conclusion
Antonella Bruzzese, DAStU Polimi
Carolina Pacchi, DAStU Polimi
Bertrando Bonfantini, DAStU Polimi
Giulia Fini, DAStU Polimi
Organized by Giulia Fini, DAStU Politecnico di Milano
In the framework of the Master in Urban Planning and Policy Design | Urbanism Course - Prof. B. Bonfantini, Prof. A. De Matteis with B. Galimberti and E. Porqueddu
Interested to the seminar, the research or need more information?
Write to giulia.fini@polimi.it
AUIC Polimi | Website
Event schedule:
- Start: 11-11-2020
- End: 11-11-2020.

The Journal of Urbanism
ISSN 1723-0993
owned by
Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica
published by
Planum Association
ISSN 1723-0993 | Registered at Court of Rome 4/12/2001, num. 514/2001
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