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16 July 2009

Time and territory. Time policies of the cities

[i]Revista Papers Num. 49[/i] This edition of Papers presents a set of works carried out from several European cities in relation to the management of the time and its spatial dimension, and wants to be a sample of the policies that are implemented with the will to improve the quality of life of the citizens. The articles are the following: -Time and territory in the city of Barcelona, by the Barcelona Institute for Regional and Metropolitan Studies. -Time policies in Europe, by Teresa Torns, Vicent Borràs, Sara Moreno and Carolina Recio. -Family, time policies and urban development: the case of Bremen, by Ulrich Mückenberger. -Territorial time plan. Policies and projects on time in the city, by Sandra Bonfiglioli. -Unlocking time. From managing everyday time to time-relevant city planning, by Luc Gwiazdzinski. In the following link you will download full texts (original in Catalan, as well as its version in English):

Event schedule:

  • Start: 07-16-2009
  • End: 07-16-2009.