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1 July 2008 – 3 July 2008

Transmitting architecture

[i]23rd UIA world Congress[/i] June 29th, July 3rd, 2008 Torino This title includes a double meaning. Architecture that transmits and communicates outside, to the society, the sense of its design action, but at the same time takes on the task to collect the best energies and the emerging phenomena expressed by the society. Architecture that is a part of an overall process that wants to face problems that go beyond the tight environments and languages of the profession to face the mankind's true and far-reaching problems. So, the Congress' complex central theme is subdivided into three great trends, each one being the subject of one day of the works. Culture, the Past Architecture tells and passes down traditions and transmits the peoples' history and culture over time. The architect's personal and professional responsibility in being the promoter of ferrying mankind's culture from one generation to the other. The protection and reconstruction of the architectural heritage. Democracy, the Present Architecture as the summary of the work and contribution of several subjects. The construction of the present, the urban democracy, the communication and the mediation to find effective solutions that receive all social classes' needs. Architecture that wants to escape the excesses of individualism to face and solve the tangible problems that affect everybody. Hope, the Future The tangible help that must be given for the development of the territory and the environment compatible with the available resources. The green side of architecture that looks at environmental sustainability and protection as the architect's ethical responsibility for a world that can be inhabitable in the future. Visit the official site:

Event schedule:

  • Start: 07-01-2008
  • End: 07-03-2008.