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29 March 2007

Transport innovation in historic towns

[i]Conference [/i] Lion Hotel, Shrewsbury 29 March 2007 EHTF has campaigned for many years for traffic management which does not compromise local distinctiveness or the historic built environment. This conference will explore some of the ways in which this might be achieved; in particular looking at the Transport Innovation Fund and how three EHTF Member Authorities are using this opportunity to address a range of issues. Also within Shropshire, Ludlow and Oswestry have schemes which bear close examination for the lessons that might be learnt about simplicity of design, access, parking, partnership working and innovative approaches to other traffic management issues. Delegates will also have the opportunity for walking tours which illustrate some of these issues and to network and discuss with experts, the challenges they are facing. Who should attend: Highways engineers Traffic managers Transport Planners Strategic & Land use Planners Urban designers Conservation officers Town centre managers Planning consultants Transport & traffic consultants Environmental Management officers and consultants Civil and Structural Engineers Public transport operators and service providers Suppliers of street furniture This conference will carry CPD certification. For more information:

Event schedule:

  • Start: 03-29-2007
  • End: 03-29-2007.