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10 May 2009 – 14 May 2009

True Urbanism: Cities for Health & Well-Being

[i]47th International Making Cities Livable Conference[/i] Portland, OR, May 10 – 14, 2009 Co-sponsored by The City of Portland & Portland Metro Planning Council Proposals should be prepared for blind peer review. State title of paper, name of author, affiliation, full contact information on cover email. Attach Word file with abstract (200 – 250 words). Please send to: [][/url] An international conference for city officials, practitioners and scholars in planning, urban design, transportation planning, architecture, landscape architecture, health policy and social sciences from many parts of the world to share ideas, and establish working relationships. Paper topics include: Urban Design & planning for physical & social health ** Planning pedestrian & bike networks ** Active living & the walkable, bikeable city ** New achievements in urban transit ** Transit oriented development ** Land use principles for the healthy city ** Beautiful cities & well-being ** Psychological effects of the built environment ** Urban housing to integrate diversity ** Mixed-use urban fabric & infill ** Urban villages/Suburban towns ** Redesigning suburban malls as village/town centers ** Designing town squares for social life & civic engagement ** Teaching health & planning ** Achieving LEED Gold ** LEED Neighborhood Development ** Community participation in architecture and urban design ** Regional planning for sustainability ** Traditional urban planning ** Historical models ** What can we learn from Europe? [b]Deadline for submission: October 15th, 2008[/b] For more information, see

Event schedule:

  • Start: 05-10-2009
  • End: 05-14-2009.