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9 December 2008 – 31 January 2009

Urban Geography Specialty Group Student Awards 2009

[i]Association of American Geographers[/i] Graduate Student Paper Competition [b]Deadline, January 31st, 2009 [/b] The UGSG Graduate Student Paper Competition Committee solicits submissions of single-authored papers presented by a student at any professional meeting in the 12 months preceding (and including) the Boston AAG conference. Preference will be given to fully developed academic papers. The winner of the award will receive $100 and an invitation to submit the paper to Urban Geography. Send one copy to each of the judges: James DeFilippis (jdefilip© and Steve Herbert (skherb© Dissertation Competition [b]Deadline January 31st, 2009 [/b] The UGSG Dissertation Competition Committee solicits submissions of single-authored papers based on the applicant's dissertation (not full dissertations). The dissertation must have been completed during the 2007 calendar year. The paper need not be presented at the 2008 AAG meeting in order to be eligible. Preference will be given to fully developed academic papers. Papers submitted to the UGSG Graduate Student Paper Competition will not be considered for the Dissertation Award. Papers submitted for awards with other AAG-affiliated organizations are not eligible. The winner of the award will receive $250 and an invitation to submit the paper to Urban Geography. Send one copy to each of the judges: Melanie Rapino (marapino© and Kevin Ward (kevin.ward© Glenda Laws Undergraduate Paper Award [b]Deadline January 31st, 2009 [/b] Please encourage your students to submit papers to the Glenda Laws Undergraduate Paper competition. This award goes to the best paper on an urban geographic topic written by an undergraduate student, regardless of membership in the AAG or participation in the AAG meetings. The winner of the award will receive $50. Papers submitted for awards to other AAG-affiliated organizations are not eligible. Send one copy to each of the judges: Laura Liu (liul© and Jennifer Rogalsky (rogalsky© Student Travel Support [b]Deadline January 31st, 2009 [/b] The UGSG has a small amount of money available to support students presenting on urban topics at the Boston AAG meeting. A limited number of travel awards, each worth $100, will be awarded. They are intended to support presentations on topics related to the urban focus of the specialty group. To apply, send a short letter stating your degree program, your institutional affiliation, and your goals and purposes in attending the conference. Also include copies of your abstract and conference registration. Send materials to Jim Fraser, UGSG Treasurer, 230 Appleton Place / Peabody #90, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN 37203. Email submissions may be sent to pavement© Awards will be announced as soon as possible after the deadline. The specialty group cannot guarantee that every applicant will receive an award. Urban Geography Graduate Student Fellowships [b]Deadline January 31st, 2009 [/b] Each year, the Urban Geography Specialty Group will award one Master's fellowship (approximately $300) and one or more doctoral fellowships (each approximately $500), to support urban-oriented Master's and doctoral research. Fellowships are intended to provide targeted support for original Master's research and for those at a relatively early stage of doctoral dissertation research -- while also ensuring that award recipients have well-developed research proposals that have a high likelihood of completion. Fellowship support may be used for any reasonable expenses associated with a research proposal. Eligibility is limited to current student members of the Urban Geography Specialty Group who will have completed all Master's or Ph.D. requirements except the thesis or dissertation by the end of the semester or term in which any award is approved. Dissertation supervisors must certify eligibility by signing the application form or emailing James DeFilippis at jdefilip© Submit applications by email to James DeFilippis by e-mail at jdefilip© Applications received after this date cannot be considered. Award decisions are made by the Board of the Urban Geography Specialty Group on the basis of the quality and feasibility of the research proposal. Applicants will be informed of the award decisions shortly before the AAG Annual Meeting. For mor information visit the official website:

Event schedule:

  • Start: 12-09-2008
  • End: 01-31-2009.