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12 June 2007 – 15 June 2007

Velo City 2007

[i]From vision to reality[/i] 12 - 15 june 2007 Munchen Call for Papers - deadline August 11th 2006 Velo-city is the international forum that convenes every two years to discuss strategies to promote bicycle transport. Already now, success has been registered in promoting bicycle transport worldwide under the most varied prerequisites. Report positive examples in bicycle transport promotion and your own successes at Velo-city 2007 and be encouraged by the positive achievements of others. Take advantage of the opportunity to lay the foundation for new partnerships and cooperations at Velo-city 2007. The overall theme "From Vision to Reality" invites you to present your forward-looking visions, your successful strategies and coalitions and naturally your best practices, within the framework of the above themes, to an international expert audience at the Velo-city conference 2007 in Munich. The following focal themes around bicycle transport promotion are given topical emphasis: - A plus in quality of life - through city-friendly, socially friendly and environmentally friendly mobility. - New chances on the employment market - the economic factor “bicycle”, - Mankind and health - the win-win factor bicycle, - Modern urban and regional development - workable models for a future worth living for. For more information:

Event schedule:

  • Start: 06-12-2007
  • End: 06-15-2007.