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1 March 2007 – 2 March 2007

Waterfront City Conference

[i]Final Conference[/i] 1-2 March 2007 Edinburgh Waterfront City will share the findings and recommendations of the Waterfront Communities Project - a learning network of 9 North Sea cities engaged in regenerating their waterfronts. The conference will explore the multiple challenges or remaking waterfront places and include sessions on the 9 project themes. This event is designed for urban development professionals and decision makers from across Europe including developers, planners, architects and politicians. Keynote speakers include Professor Klas Tham of Lunch University and Professor Michael Carley from the School of the Built Environment. An expert panel from Glasgow, Hamburg, Oslo and Edinburgh will round off the event with their top 5 recommendations for creating successful waterfront developments. For more information:

Event schedule:

  • Start: 03-01-2007
  • End: 03-02-2007.