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Planum Events 11.2012 </br>  Working Group on Europe and Asia </br> CALL FOR PAPERS

17 May 2013 – 18 May 2013

The rush of China and India to Africa:
State versus market driven development
cooperation strategies?
Working Group on Europe and Asia

The Hague, Netherlands
DEADLINE | 30.11.2012
EADI |  
European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes

This international workshop explores the main drivers of China’s and India’s development cooperation in Africa. The main hypothesis refers to the Chinese approach which is based on a specific form of State capitalism, whereas the Indian strategy is more market and private sector driven ‐ with the public sector playing a subsidiary but supplementing role. Among other reasons, it may explain why Chinese development aid in Africa is more visible and criticized. Indian cooperation is less, even though its presence is rather substantial, especially in Eastern and Southern Africa.  


Contributions are expected from African, Chinese, Indian, European and other academics and practitioners specialized in international development. They should cover two main areas of research as follows:
1. At the macro‐level, a comparative and critical review of Chinese and Indian development cooperation strategies in Africa, using the paradigm of the role of the State versus the private sector. 
2. At the micro‐level, empirical research is still lacking and therefore much needed to deliver in‐depth analysis of Chinese and Indian development cooperation in Africa in various key sectors.

This working group is dealing with current and new development challenges in Europe and Asia proceding from three observations:
1. The post Cold War triumph of the Anglo-American model of capitalism and globalisation has been resisted or mitigated in various ways both in Asia and in Europe, and has not been perceived as an adequate recipe to deliver sustainable development and alleviate poverty worldwide.
2. The beginnings of the 21st century have shown that the predominance of economic and financial transactions across the Pacific and the Atlantic are increasingly counterbalanced by rising transactions within the Eurasian continent leading to the possible emergence of new rules, norms and standards among the American, Asian and European power houses in shaping the future of global governance.
3. The rapid rise of the Asian hybrid market economies confronts a variety of continental European capitalist regimes, which themselves used to diverge from the economic and especially social model of America. Therefore, there is a need to assess how and how far Asian and European development regimes may converge, diverge, or mitigate in transforming the capitalist paradigm.

Therefore, the scientific mission assigned to this new working group is to analyze the current and future prospects of European and Asian capitalisms into the 21st century, looking at both the development regime of each respective region and their growing interdependence, but also at possible implications on the future orientations of global development governance.

30.11.2012 | abstract submission
30.03.2013 | full papers submission 


Based on a selection and revision of papers presented at the workshop, and on a complementary call for additional contributions if needed, the two co‐convening EADI Working Group chairs will envisage to publish a special issue of a scientific journal specialized in international development.  An alternative could also be to edit a collective book together with Chinese and Indian publishing partners, or in the EADI book series.  

EADI Website
• Dr Philippe Régnier
• Dr Meine Pieter Van Dijk:
EMAIL | m.vandijk@unesco‐  



Event schedule:

  • Start: 05-17-2013
  • End: 05-18-2013.