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3 May 2007 – 3 October 2008

World Habitat Awards 2007

[i]Competition - An Invitation to Enter[/i] The World Habitat Awards were established in 1985 by the Building and Social Housing Foundation as part of its contribution to the United Nations International Year of Shelter for the Homeless. Two awards are given annually to projects from the global north as well as the south that provide practical and innovative solutions to current housing needs and problems. Every year an award of £10,000 is presented to each of the two winners at the annual United Nations global celebration of World Habitat Day. Travel and accommodation costs are also met for one representative of each winning project to attend the awards ceremony. The World Habitat Awards has a two-stage entry process: Stage I submissions need only comprise a concise summary of all aspects of the project. From these preliminary submissions, twelve projects are selected by an Assessment Committee to go forward to Stage II of the competition. Stage II submissions are evaluated by an independent advisory group before being put to a panel of international judges. Evaluation visits are carried out to some of the projects prior to the final judging. Timetable: [b]1st June 2007 Deadline for receipt of Stage I submissions [/b] June - August 2007 Evaluation of Stage I submissions 1st September 2007 Notification of results for Stage I submissions 1st December 2007 Deadline for receipt of entries selected for Stage II submission January - June 2008 Evaluation of Stage II submissions August 2008 Announcement of winners of the World Habitat Award 6th October 2008 Presentation of the awards on World Habitat Day Stage I of the submission process requires only a concise summary of the project. For further details can be found on the BSHF website at

Event schedule:

  • Start: 05-03-2007
  • End: 10-03-2008.