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11 July 2006 – 16 July 2006


[i][b]Diversity and Multiplicity: A New Agenda for the World Planning Community[/b][/i] 11-16 July 2006 ~ Mexico City, Mexico The International Steering Committee of the World Planning Schools Congress cordially invites proposals for individual papers, complete paper sessions, roundtable discussions and poster presentations. The invitation is extended to faculty and students of GPEAN member programs and to scholars and scholarly practitioners outside the GPEAN family who are concerned with planning cities and regions. Chair, Local Organizing Committee, Prof. Sergio FLORES Pena, [][/url] Chair, International Steering Committee, Prof. Louis ALBRECHTS [][/url], Co-chairs, International Steering Committee, Assoc. Prof. Johanna LOOYE [][/url], Prof. WU Zhiqiang, [][/url] [i]Review:[/i] Proposals will be reviewed by track co-chairs and anonymous readers. Proposals will either be rejected or accepted, however, there may be a short period during which some authors may be invited to revise and resubmit their work for reconsideration with acceptance based on meeting published deadlines and a second review of the proposal. This decision is left to the track co-chairs. Track co-chairs are particularly interested in both formal paper sessions and informal roundtables that examine different regions of the world to assess and synthesize the state of knowledge, revisit “classic”. Works, and review major new studies. If you expect to propose such a session, please discuss your scheme with the appropriate track co-chairs. [i]The Fate of Your Abstract Submission:[/i] Whether accepted or rejected, you should expect to receive constructive comments by the review co mmittee. Disagreements with these comments should be addressed to the appropriate track co-chairs for discussion. Excellent proposals are rejected due to lack of endless time and space on the final schedule of sessions. [i]Multiple Program Placements:[/i] Multiple abstract submissions on behalf of one author will be reviewed and may possibly be accepted. However, more than one presentation of a formal paper and more than one participation in a roundtable during the conference will not be allowed. Participants on the final program will be limited to: one presentation of an individual paper whether in a formal paper session or involved in a pre-organized formal paper session; one placement on a roundtable panel; one placement as a discussant of a formal paper session. These roles are not interchangeable. If you have more than one submitted abstract accepted and are invited to participate on more than one accepted roundtable, in fairness to everyone, we will ask you to limit your participation before the final program is complete. [i]Posters:[/i] We receive more excellent proposals than we have time and space to accommodate. Poster sessions economize on space and are a particularly effective way of presenting ideas that call for review of graphic materials, a brief but dense text, or a sequence of equations. Posters will be accessible and time will be allotted for discussants to review and comment. [i]Discussants:[/i] Track Co-chairs will invite discussants for sessions. We welcome suggestions for discussants proffered by authors and session organizers. If you are willing to act as discussant, please contact the appropriate track chairs. [i]Pre-Organized Sessions:[/i] Since the spirit of the world congress is international exchange, we request that any preorganized sessions include papers/presentations from faculty from more than one GPEAN association. The conference committee will generally respect the grouping of papers in pre-organized sessions but reserves the right to realign papers when it has all the proposals before it. Instructions for submitting a session in its entirety can be found at Please read the instructions before attempting to work within the abstract management system. The conference management office extends its assistance to submitting the session successfully into the web-based abstract management system. Admittedly it can be a confusing process! Please [][/url] in advance of your submission for personal assistance.

Event schedule:

  • Start: 07-11-2006
  • End: 07-16-2006.