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Examples of the best … in rural areas
Sari - Sustainable Access in Rural India
Madras - India
The Project is dedicated to demonstrating that the creation, deployment, and delivery of information and communication services and technologies in poor rural areas leads to improvements in health,
empowerment, learning, and economic development amongst the poorest and most disadvantaged communities - and that such services can be realized in an economically sustainable fashion. Research is ongoing into innovative applications and highly localized content. Some application areas being explored include: Agricultural Information System; Online spot labour market applications; Micro-finance systems; Health systems; Education applications; E-mail and browsing; Access to online government forms; Voice/Video/Data services; Integrated communication suites; Community news magazines; Text to Speech tools; Cricket resource center.
Proyecto Piloto de Telefonía Rural
Andes - Peru
The project answer the necessity to give telecommunication infrastructures to the Infocenters created by the Infode Project. This project search to create and validate management models to enterprises of rural telecommunication services - legal and administrative aspects, taxes..., that guarantee the sustainability in a medium term.The evaluation of this pilot experience will permit to present detailed information about the results that will serve to stablish reaplication criterias.For this it was decided to implement 6 infocenters with basic infrastructure - public telephone, computer with Internet satellite connection, scanner, etc. The work places are: Chanta Alta, Combayo, La Encañada, Huanico, Llacanora and Puruay Alto at the Cajamarca District.
n-Logue Communications Pvt. Ltd.
Specifically with reference to India, it is universally accepted that a vast digital divide exists in the country. With a telephone penetration level of less than 4%, there is a crying need to provide communication facilities and access to the people. It is also evident that the challenge lies in providing access to rural India, as nearly 70% of India's billion people live in small towns and villages. It is this challenge that n-Logue Communications Pvt. Ltd. has taken to heart. Incorporated by the TeNET group of IIT Madras, n-Logue focuses on providing and operating telecom and Internet services in small towns and rural areas of India. The company will not carry out operations in urban areas, thus preventing dilution of its focus. The company believes that there is a large rural market in India for such services, though it has to be tapped differently from that in urban areas.
Youth For Technology
The immediate goals are to improve lives, reduce poverty and empower youth. Youth for Technology Foundation believes that a bridge to close the digital canyon can be achieved through: Building human capital and capacity through investment in education, training and technology. Increasing civic participation for people in underserved areas to gain a greater voice in their community's development. Developing and disseminating models for viable rural economic enterprise that will create opportunities for people to improve their economic standing and advocate for significant change using the tools provided. Enabling learning through the effective use of technology to promote knowledge and skills which will ensure thriving communities in Nigeria. Providing access to information technology skills training with a focus on employment opportunities for the girl-child, youth in secondary schools, universities and workforce development. Joining with libraries, museums and other cultural institutions to leverage technology and demonstrate the critical role technology plays in enhancing the arts.
Online resources and links

The Journal of Urbanism
ISSN 1723-0993
owned by
Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica
published by
Planum Association
ISSN 1723-0993 | Registered at Court of Rome 4/12/2001, num. 514/2001
Web site realized by ChannelWeb & Planum Association | Powered by BEdita 3