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Multiple City
Urban Concepts 1908/2008 Stadkonzepte 1908/2008
edited by Sophie Wolfrum & Winfried Nerdinger
Multiple City reflects on current urban development against the background of urban concepts over the past 100 years. It is possible to trace the history of multiple manifestations, parallel strategies and diametrical developments. Urban concepts and urbanist discourse enjoy temporary booms, but leave behind enduring evidence. Today, a wide range of phenomena, interpretations and debates exist in conjunction. This publication documents 16 important topics of urban development on the basis of texts, up-to-date photographs and historical planning material. Well-known authors adopt standpoints on current urban developments in 32 essays. It becomes possible to experience urban development as an exciting discourse that involves us all.
The exhibition presents sixteen urbanistic terms, examining their transformation up to the present: From the 'garden city' at the beginning of the 20th century via the city landscape concepts of the early post-war period to today’s 'urban landscapes' and from the 'new towns' of the 1960s to the current establishments of cities in China and the United Arab Emirates; from the leading ideas of a 'mobile city' to the 'Telepolis' of a digital era and from the 'pleasure city' of a global consumer landscape to the strategy of branding, the city as a trademark. New phenomena appear which, at the same time, can be a product of traditional strategies. These phenomena are heterogeneous, there is neither one manifestation nor one strategy in dealing with the city of today: Multiple City.
The catalogue is published parallel to the exhibition Multiple City. Urban Concepts 1908/2008, Pinakothek der Moderne Munchen, 4th December 2008 - 1 March 2009.
Exhibition and publication are jointly produced by Architekturmuseum TU Munchen and Lehrstuhl fur Stadtebau und Regionalplanung TU Munchen. The exhibition as well as its accompanying catalogue are to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Department for Urban and Regional Planning at the TU München.
1. Garden City | Urban Landscape - Gartenstadt | Stadtlandschaft
Sören Schöbel-Rutschmann
From Urban Growth to Mega-Urban Landscape
Detlev Ipsen
2. Functional City | Patchwork City - Funktionale Stadt | Patchwork City
(Dys)Functionalism in a Post(sub)urban Landscape
Bart Eeckhout, Steven Jacobs
Innovationsland: Tussenland
Rainer Johann
3. Region as City | Network City - Region als Stadt | Netzstadt
Broadacre City and Sprawls
Robert Bruegmann
Open System Network
Gunther Laux
4. Tessuto Urbano | City as Collective Memory- Tessuto Urbano | Stadt Als Kollektives Gedachtnis
Stadt als gebautes und kottektives Gedächtnis
Winfried Nerdinger
Stadtquartiere vom Webstuhl
Sylvain Malfroy, Frank Zierau
5. Urban regeneration | Urban Renewal - Regeneration Der Stadt | Stadtumbau
Learning from London
Cordelia Polinna
Creative Leipzig. Stadt als Beziehungslandschaft
Iris Reuther, Andreas Paul
6. Urban Design | Architecture of the city - Stadtbaukunst | Architektur der Stadt
Architektonische Urbanistik
Sophie Wolfrum
Wie kommt der Entwurf zur Stadt?
Josef Rott
The Richly Designed Street
Coy Howard
7. Genius Loci | Place and Atmosphere- Genius Loci | Orti und Atmospharen
Landschaft als Geschehen der Natur und der Stadt
Martin Seel
Lebendige Orte oder: die Spuren der Beruhrung
Ina-Maria Greverus
8. Situational Urbanism | Performative Urbanism - Situativer Urbanismus | Performativer Urbanismus
Performance, Risk and the Public Realm
Iain Borden
Fubgánger in der nackten Stadt
Jorg Dünne
9. Mobile City | Telepolis - Mobile Stadt | Telepolis
Multiple Mobilities. Mobilität in der modernisierten Moderne
Wolfgang Bonb
What Happened to the Temporary Private Zones?
Doris Zoller
10. Healthy City | Sustainable City - Gesunde Stadt | Nachhaltige Stadt
Urbane Nachhaltigkeit - eine Utopie?
Rolf Peter Sieferle
Sustaining = Synergizing? Cities in Anticipation
Cornelia Redeker
11. Social Housing | Lifestyle Urbanism - Sozialer Wohnungsbau | Lifestyle Urbanismus
A Toda Costa
Markus Lanz, Sophie Wolfrum
Zeeland Pr[i]vince
Marisol Rivas-Velázquez, Chnstian Schmutz
12. Pleasure City | City of Perfection
Cities of Perfection: Stadtfluchten oder Stadtversprechen
Regina Bittner
The Shopping Centre as an Urban Innovator?
Alex Wall
13. City as Image | Urban Icon - Stadt als Bild | Urban Icon
Raumdogma und Architekturbild
Gerd de Bruyn
Im Bilde seim
Alban Janson
14. New Towns | New Capitalist City - New Towns | New Capitalist City
Cities Without History
Neville Mars
Zweierlei Städte
Christoph Luchsinger
15. Territory City | City as Prize - Territorium Stadt | Stadt als Beute
In Europa mehr Initiative und Kraft entwickeln
Stephen Lanz
Re-codifying Territories of Exclusion
Marcos Leite Rosa
16. The Myth of Metropolis | The Myth of Megacity - Mythos Metropolis | Mythos Megacity
Capitalising Urban Myth
Ole Bouman
The Endless City
Ricky Burdett
Image Credits
On loan from, Thanks
Sophie Wotirum, since 2003 Professor at the Department of Urban Design and Regional Planning at the Technische Universität Munich. Member of numerous juries and advisory boards, including iba see, Baukollegium Zurich, Ostfildern Scharnhauser Park, Berlin Tempeihof, Goethe Institute. Specialised publications include Urban Landscape: Authentizität und Performativität (2005), Kapazitãt von Architektur (with A. Janson 2006), Selbst, Solidaritat und öffentlicher Raum (2008). Office projects received, among others, the German City Planning Award 1995 and 2006.
Winfried Nerdinger, since 1986 Professor of Architectural History and Director of the Architectural Museum of the Technische Universität Munich (since 2002 at the Pinakothek der Moderne). Since 1995 Director of the Architectural Museum Schwaben. Since 2004 Director of the Department of Fine Arts at the Bavarian Academy of the Fine Arts. Visiting professor at universities in Harvard, Helsinki, Canton; Cummings Lecturer at the McGill University, Montreal.
Online resources and links
The Journal of Urbanism
ISSN 1723-0993
owned by
Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica
published by
Planum Association
ISSN 1723-0993 | Registered at Court of Rome 4/12/2001, num. 514/2001
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