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29 October 2012 – 30 October 2012
Cardiff International Conference on Sustainable place-making CALL FOR PAPERS
Cardiff, UK
DEADLINE: 31.07.2012
Sustainable Places Research Institute
Cardiff University
This conference wishes to focus on the problem of sustainable place-making; that is how integrated thinking can be developed and applied in different places and spaces so as to adapt systems of production and consumption and bring about transformative change.
Current structural processes of globalisation, financialisation, economic competitiveness and technological development are creating constraints and major challenges for sustainability and social cohesion. Many of these processes have tended to reduce the significance and diversity of place.
Territorial and place-based approaches are also becoming more important in policy debates and innovation strategies concerning regions such as Europe and at the city-region levels.
Visualizzazione ingrandita della mappa
The conference wishes to bring together leading scholars and active researchers around the theme of sustainable place making, providing a platform for critical debate and progress about the theoretical/ conceptual and practice and policy implications of adopting place-making approaches. Abstracts proposals for papers or posters should be submitted by 31st July 2012 to: sustainableplaces@cardiff.ac.uk
The papers should be addresses to the themes below:
1. Sustainable and connected communities
2. Ecosystems and ecosystem services
3. Implications of mobilities, flows and migrations for the creation of sustainable places
4. Re-placing risk governance: alternative ways of governing places
• Alison Blay-Palmer | Wilfred-Laurier University
• Arthur Mol | Wageningen University
• James Meadowcroft | Carleton University
• Tony Capon | University of Canberra
• Hilkka Vihenen | MTT Agrifood Research Finland
• Terry Marsden
• Leanne Cullen-Unsworth
• Isabelle Durance
• Alex Franklin
• Yi Gong
• Brian MacGillivray
• Abid Mehmood
• Conference website
• E-Mail: sustainableplaces@cardiff.ac.uk
• Sustainable Places Research Institute
Cardiff University
51 Park Place, Cardiff
CF10 3AT
The Journal of Urbanism
ISSN 1723-0993
owned by
Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica
published by
Planum Association
ISSN 1723-0993 | Registered at Court of Rome 4/12/2001, num. 514/2001
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