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14 December 2009 – 17 December 2009

Climate summit for Mayors - Copenhagen

[i]United Nations Climate Summit [/i] 14 - 17 December 2009 Copenhagen During COP15 in Copenhagen, 100 mayors from all over the world will meet at the Copenhagen Climate Summit for Mayors, hosted by the City of Copenhagen in cooperation with C40 and ICLEI . The overall message running through the programme will be that cities are already delivering greenhouse gas reductions and that they can and are showing others HOW they are doing this. In Copenhagen, we will display what key cities have already done to reduce gas emissions in the areas of energy efficiency, waste, transport , and lighting. The eyes of the world will be on Copenhagen in December 2009 with the expectation that a new post-2012 international climate agreement is adopted at the UN Climate Change Conference (COP 15). Local Governments presence at COP 15 counts, as they continue to seek recognition for the role LGs can and must play in climate protection and the new climate agreement. Visit the official site:

Event schedule:

  • Start: 12-14-2009
  • End: 12-17-2009.