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3 February 2009

Constructing Spaces of (Im)-mobility: Geo-historical Perspectives - RGS-IBG 2009

[i]Call for Papers[/i] Recent scholarship has highlighted the socially constructed nature of mobility and focused on its changing spatialities under the current global regime. Less has been written about the historical development of mobility in general and mobile subjects (migrants, travelers, and refugees) in particular. The session seeks to explore various historical contexts within which mobility - and the mobile - have been constructed and uncover the material and immaterial geographies that enabled and were unleashed by it. We invite papers that examine the (im)-mobility of people, cultures, knowledge, labor, money and other objects in historical perspectives. We welcome papers dealing with issues outside the Anglo-American world. Suggested themes include but are not limited to: - Mobile subjects and identities (especially in the developing world) - Urban/rural mobility - Mobility and the socially excluded - Mobile cultures - Pre-globalization travel and migration - Financial flows (including migrants' remittances) - Mobility and place-making - Fixity and Anti-Mobility If you are interested in submitting a paper, please contact Nir Cohen ([][/url] ). Please note the [b]deadline for submission of abstracts is February 3rd, 2009[/b]. When submitting your paper please include the following information: 1) name 2) institutional affiliation 3) contact email, 4) title of proposed paper, 5) abstract (no more than 250 words) and 6) technical requirements (i.e., video, data projector, sound). Ben Gurion University of the Negev Beer Sheva, 84105 Israel

Event schedule:

  • Start: 02-03-2009
  • End: 02-03-2009.