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15 October 2009 – 30 November 2009


[i]5° European Symposium on Research in Architecture and Urban Design - call for paper - [/i] [b]Venustas architecture / market / democracy[/b] 23rd - 26th of june 2010 Naples The 5th edition of EURAU 10 european symposium on research in architecture and urban design-on Venustas/architecture/ market/democracy has been organized by the Faculty of Architecture of the University “Federico II” of Naples in collaboration with the First Faculty of Architecture of the Polytechnic in Turin, the ENHSA net of European Schools of Architecture and those institutions that participated in the previous editions: the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Marseilles (ENSA), (2004 edition) on the topic “doctoral studies”; the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture et Paysage del Lille (2005 edition) on the topic “ large scale”; the association des Institus Supérieurs des Cités de Bruxelles-Lièges-Mons (IESA) ( 2006 edition) on the topic “cultural heritage”, the Escuela Tecnica Superior de Arquitectura de la Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (ETSAM) ( 2008 edition) on the topic “cultural landscape”. The aim of the initiative is to encourage the debate among researchers that investigate on architecture and the city within a European reality. Schools of architecture are considered the focal point for research and the comparison results from the external interlocutors participation: the professional word, the agents who take point in transforming territory and city as well as those other disciplines that merge together all contribute in bringing about such transformations. Eurau’ 10 will take place from 23rd - 26th of june 2010 and will be organized in parallel sessions dedicated to the three main topics presented: Designing venustas- Communicating venustas- Constructing venustas. The scientific committee will dedicate the three days of the congress discussing the papers submitted. [i]T1. Designing venustas[/i] Many different meanings have been attributed to the word venustas over the centuries but recently it has been identified simply with the idea of beauty. However, if venustas were merely ‘beauty’, could we think of “ beauty” as being inherent in architecture? In this period of market economy and modern democracy have we chosen the best definition for venustas in architecture? Aren’t there any more appropriate terms that could better describe such a quality in architecture? But, then, the question arises whether beauty is still a necessity for architecture today and whether it still serves the purpose of explaining the relationship between humanity , the world and time? [i]T2. Communicating venustas[/i] To communicate means to educate and inform, two key-words for today’s market and democracy. If the word venustas today is related to those seductive qualities that the idea of beauty arouses, how are we to relate the principle of necessity to ‘beauty’ or quality to ‘beauty’? Should this task be left in the hands of some ‘master’ or should we find a solution in ‘schools’ where knowledge flourishes? Anyway, how can we tally creativity with rules and discipline with imagination? Or, in this network age, do we have ready at hand other means and places where it would be possible to communicate so many different definitions of beauty? [i]T3. Constructing venustas[/i] From the ethical, social, civil, political claim of architecture to the shaping of the idea of venustas. A vision from the top versus a vision from the bottom. To think about architecture today as a projection of people’s desires means to reshape the idea of beauty expanding it into something that invests the nature of those processes involved in the building up of architecture and landscape. it means redefining the relationship between demand and reply. However, how does one construct the idea of beauty? how do we go about evaluating “ beauty”? who is able to determine the qualities of ‘beauty’ and what canons will he turn to in order to formulate his opinions? finally, how are we to find the right method to understand, interpret and define venustas today? PRESENTATION AND SELECTION OF PAPERS SUBMITTED The organizing committee has chosen the scientific article and the poster as the two formats acceptable for any type of communication. the selection will be based on an abstract presented by the authors.[b] the abstracts must contain max 800 words and can be sent to the eurau’10 administrative office till 30th november 2009[/b] (only word document by email). The abstracts can be written in italian, french or english. submissions should include: a) main topic sessions (t1, t2 or t3)- b) author’s name and surname- - c) title of the paper(written in small letters, max 30 words). (e.g.: t1-rossi-antonio-rethinking beauty.) Accepted contributions will be notified to the authors within 20th January 2010 together with the format chosen for their articles (scientific paper, poster or both). scientific articles must contain max 3500 words and shall be sent to the following email address: [][/url] before 20th march 2010. they can be written in italian, french or english. For more information:

Event schedule:

  • Start: 10-15-2009
  • End: 11-30-2009.