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23 March 2010 – 26 March 2010

Geographical Analysis, Urban Modeling, Spatial Statistics - Japan

[i]Fifth International Workshop[/i] GEOG-AN-MOD 10 March 23th to March 26th, 2010, Kyushu Sangyo University, Fukuoka, Japan During the past decades the main problem of geographical analysis was the lack of spatial data availability. Today the wide diffusion of electronic devices containing geo-referenced information generates a great production of spatial data. Volunteered geographic information activities (e.g. Wikimapia, OpenStreetMap), public initiatives (e.g. Spatial Data Infrastructures, Geo-portals) and private projects (e.g. Google Earth, Microsoft Virtual Earth, etc.) produced an overabundance of spatial data which in many cases does not help the efficiency of decision processes. The increase of geographical data availability has not been fully coupled by an increase of knowledge to support spatial decisions. The inclusion of spatial simulation techniques in recent GIS software favoured the diffusion of these methods, but in several cases led to the mechanism of which buttons to press without having geography in mind. Spatial analytical techniques, geographical analyses and modelling methods are therefore required in order to analyse data and to facilitate the decision process at all levels. Old geographical issues can find an answer thanks to new methods and instruments, while new issues are developing, challenging the researchers for new solutions. This workshop aims at contributing to the development of new techniques and methods to improve the process of knowledge acquisition. The programme committee especially requests high quality submissions on the following Conference Themes : Geostatistics and spatial simulation; Agent-based spatial modelling; Cellular automata spatial modelling; Spatial statistical models; Space-temporal modelling; Spatial network modelling; Geovisual analytics, geovisualisation, visual exploratory data analysis; Visualisation and modelling of track data; Spatial Optimization; Interaction Simulation Models; Data mining, spatial data mining; Spatial Data Warehouse and Spatial OLAP; Integration of Spatial OLAP and Spatial data mining; Spatial Decision Support Systems; Spatial Multicriteria Decision Analysis; Spatial Rough Set; Spatial extension of Fuzzy Set theory; Ontologies for Spatial Analysis; Urban modeling; Applied geography; Spatial data analysis; Dynamic modelling; Simulation, space-time dynamics, visualization and virtual reality. Each paper will be independently reviewed by 3 programme committee members. Their individual scores will be evaluated by a small sub-committee and result in one of the following final decisions: accepted, or accepted on the condition that suggestions for improvement will be incorporated, or rejected. [b]Notification of this decision will take place on 7 December 2009[/b]. Individuals and groups should submit complete papers (10 to 16 pages). [b]10 November, 2009: Deadline for full paper submission[/b] For more information:

Event schedule:

  • Start: 03-23-2010
  • End: 03-26-2010.