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Planum News 09.2012 RESILIENCE Aesop YA <br/> Association of European Schools of Planning Young Academics <br/> CALL FOR ABSTRACTS

26 February 2013 – 1 March 2013

Aesop YA - Association of European
Schools of Planning
Young Academics

Vienna, Austria
DEANDLINE: 21.10.2012 
AESOP YA - Association of European Schools of Planning Young Academics
University of Natural Resources & Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria 

AESOP YA is glad to announce its next Annual Meeting in Vienna, Austria from 26th February to 1st March, 2013, sponsored by AESOP and the University of Natural Resources & Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria. Being inspired by last year's success, YA will also organise an International World Cafe to continue the conversation about growth of the relationship between AESOP-YA as a part of the conference programme. 
We would like to invite 32 young scholars, including PhD students, post-docs and early career academics from Europe and elsewhere to share their research ideas, experiences, methods and concerns. The program will comprise of plenary sessions and round-table discussions, as well as Skype-keynote speeches by eminent scholars working on "resilience".
Our aim is to provide a relaxed environment for participants to present and discuss their research interests and concerns with peers and invited professors. The annual meeting offers a platform to the young scholars for shaping their research ideas and potential future research areas. In addition, it also offers an opportunity for networking, sharing thoughts, and counting on others' experiences for professional development, rather than mere presentation of a full-fledged research outcome or PhD dissertation.

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Resilience is the core concept of sustainability in today's world where change is inevitable. It has also become the most contested topic in contemporary Planning research. Whereas there is an upcoming debate about the definition of the term, specific to the field of Planning, the main discussion has been around a futuristic view of resilient urban and rural space, in physical, economic and social terms.
This meeting invites a broad range of papers on planning and territorial development-related research that address the goals, challenges or opportunities of achieving a resilient society, addressing varied sustainability issues such as climate change, governance for resilience and security of a city. We are looking for a variety of research interests and project insights from this field, with a hope to explore new underlying dynamics of the concept of 'resilience' in Planning.

Following are the four thematic subgroups for the meeting:
• TRACK 1: Resilience: a bridging concept or a dead end?
Multiple meanings of the unconstrained term 'resilience', its application in planning theory and practice
Keynote Speaker: Prof. Simin Davoudi, Newcastle University, UK
• TRACK 2: Planning for resilience - between policy frameworks and planning theories.
Keynote Speaker: Prof. Tore Sager, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim.
• TRACK 3: Social challenges in planning for resilient urban spaces and rural development
Demographic change, aging, segregation etc...
Keynote Speaker: Senior Scientist Dr. Tatjana Fischer, University of Life Sciences and Natural Resources, Vienna.
• TRACK 4: What makes regions resilient from an environmental perspective?
Climate change, disaster management, energy turnaround etc...
Keynote Speaker: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gernot Stoeglehner, University of Life Sciences and Natural Resources,

Young planning scholars are asked to submit an Abstract, addressing one particular track of the event. 32 Abstracts will be selected (8 per Track) for the 7th YA Meeting with regard to the following criteria:
I. Academic quality of the Abstract: apart from grammar and expression the Abstract shall outline the aim of research, methodology, expected contribution and key references;
II. An explicit brief description of the link of the research with the concept of ‘resilience' and thus the contribution to the aims and themes of the Meeting;
III. All submissions should explicitly deal with a certain geographical scale or dimension of planning practices (local, national, international, trans-national planning). 

Those interested to participate in the 7th YA Meeting are expected to submit an application that contains: registration formabstract, and full paper (see deadlines). Be aware that you need to be registered at the AESOP Young Academics website to be able to access the application form and deposit your documents. Keep in mind that your registration may take some time, since somebody from the YA CT needs to confirm it manually, so you will not see it immediately displayed on the website.

• Conference Webpage | Resilience
• Aesop YA Association of European School of Planning Young academics Website


Event schedule:

  • Start: 02-26-2013
  • End: 03-01-2013.
Planum News 09.2012 RESILIENCE Aesop YA Association of European Schools of Planning Young Academics <br/> CALL FOR ABSTRACTS