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5 March 2009 – 16 June 2009

Study Abroad Program in Brazil - Summer 2009

[i]Deadline postponed & Program Fee reduced [/i] The University of Florida invites graduate students from other colleges and universities in the United States to enroll in the Study Abroad Program taking place in Brazil next summer. Five Brazilian cities will be experienced first-hand as part of the program: São Paulo, the second largest city in the world; Maringá, a planned city developed by a British company in the coffee plantation region of Paraná; Curitiba, internationally renowned for its planning initiatives; Florianópolis, a capital city on an island; and Rio de Janeiro, a city within a privileged and breathtaking landscape. Most program activities will take place in Curitiba and students will have the option of attending the 2009 LASA conference in Rio de Janeiro (cost of conference is not included in the program fee). In addition, students will have time to explore other cities of their choice during weekends and holidays. Some of the broader urban issues to be explored during the program are: community development, urban design, sustainable development, land use planning, urban land policy, transportation planning, affordable housing, economic development, and environmental planning. This year, there will be four general project topics to choose from: sustainable urban development & the built environment, affordable housing & informal settlements, urban parks & public health, and sustainable transportation planning/transit-oriented development. Students are free to choose a particular aspect of one of these general topics for their research project. Other information: * Deadline for application: March 1st, 2009 (applications may be accepted after this date on a space available basis only). * Dates: May 8th to June 16th * Credits: 6 credit/hours (graduate) * Cost: $4,682 (includes tuition, workshops & lectures, lodging & breakfast, and transportation to program related events. The international flight is additional.) * No language requirement; program will be conducted in English Additional information and on-line application materials can be found at:]. Search for Curitiba - Urban Planning.

Event schedule:

  • Start: 03-05-2009
  • End: 06-16-2009.