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17 January 2019 – 18 January 2019
Urban Studies and Spatial Planning: Research Approaches and Methods
Florence, Italy
• University of Florence
• Gran Sasso Science Institute
A network of scholars from a number of Italian universities, engaged with doctoral courses, have voluntarily set up a PhD learning project on research methodology in the field of planning and urban studies. This is a sort of "research methodology school" that offers graduate students, PhD candidates, young academics and scholars affiliated with doctoral programs the opportunity to interactively build learning and training paths in research methodology.
1 | Register by 21 December 2018 on the Winter School website.
2 | Fill the Questionnaire on Workshops
3 | Fill the Questionnaire on meals
4 | Fill the Questionnaire to select the scholar you want to meet during the "Pint of Research"
Attendees from all countries are welcome.
Master degree is a basic requirement.
When registering at the Winter School, attendees are required to specify the following details: name, surname, affiliation, role; which workshop among No. 1, 2 and 3 they would like to attend; if they'll join us for meals (two lunches and a social aperitif/light dinner); which researcher they would like to meet during "Pint of Research".
The Winter School will be held in English and will provide students with 6 credits (to be agreed with the sending universities). Participants will also be given of an additional certificate of attendance of activities related to the "Complementary Skills", issued by the IUSAFF (Istituto Universitario di Studi Superiori dell'Ateneo di Firenze) equivalent to 6 credits.
Participation grants are not available; for organizational reasons, the Winter School cannot provide any form of support (e.g. invitation letters) in order to obtain VISA.
The participation is free of charge
The school is organized around the following main sections:
→ Basics
Basic questions will be addressed in this section, including: how to write an academic article or a PhD Thesis, and, how to publish in international scientific journals.
→ Methodological questions
Parallel workshop will be offered, addressing topics including: questions related to methods of qualitative and quantitative research and to the research-action approach, and, the challenge of working with comparative approaches beyond the stereotyped 'divides' that have influenced international research (north/south divide; formal/informal etc.).
→ Research design
We will address: an overall strategy to integrate the different components of a qualitative study and effectively address the research problem. We will address topics including: questions about what research design is and what it is not, how to make sure all parts are properly in place before "tightening", and why are you thinking of doing a qualitative study of the topic chosen.
→ Challenges
We will address hot topics in the field of planning and urban studies this section. Two leading scholars in the field will give a talk addressing their approaches to the topic and their methodological perspective.
→ Pint of research
Inspired by "Pint of Science" (an initiative started in 2012 by a group of UK based postgraduate and postdoctoral researchers), "Pints of Research" will be offered as an opportunity to meet researches in an interesting, engaging and approachable way: a number of Italian scholars are available for "beer-to-beer" meetings over a beer, a glass of wine or a soft drink, with a limited number of PhD candidates and young academics for exchange and tutoring activities.
The Winter School is promoted by the University of Florence (Doctoral Program on Urban and Regional Planning, Doctoral School of Architecture), with the support of Gran Sasso Science Institute (Doctoral Programme in Urban Studies and Regional Science) and the participation of a network of Italian universities: University of Florence, University of Cagliari, University of Catania, Gran Sasso Science Institute - L'Aquila, IUAV - Venice, Polytechnic University of Milan, Polytechnic University of Turin, Sapienza University of Rome, University of Roma Tre, University of Molise, University of Naples, University of Palermo, University of Sassari
→ Winter School website
→ Programme Overview
→ Registration
Barbara Pizzo:
Francesco Chiodelli:
Camilla Perrone:
Event schedule:
- Start: 01-17-2019
- End: 01-18-2019.
The Journal of Urbanism
ISSN 1723-0993
owned by
Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica
published by
Planum Association
ISSN 1723-0993 | Registered at Court of Rome 4/12/2001, num. 514/2001
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