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14 December 2007 – 15 March 2008

Urban Water Conference 2008

[i]International Conference on Water and Urban Development Paradigms:[/i] Towards an integration of engineering, design and management approaches 15 - 19 September 2008 Leuven, Belgium Applications should be forwarded by email to [][/url] This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it at the attention of the conference chair, prof. Jan Feyen, and final selection will be based on the affiliation of the applicant and the quality of the manuscript he/she will present. [b]The deadline which was fixed at 29 February 2008, will exceptionally deferred till 15 March[/b]. Candidates should forward a letter of application accompanied by a curriculum vitae and a first draft of manuscript. All papers will be reviewed and authors will be notified about acceptance of their paper by April 1, 2008. Kindly be informed that the deadline for the full paper submission is 15 May 2008. [b]Themes[/b] I. Urbanity and Hydrology This session will investigate water systems and their relationship to urban form and growth. Issues to be investigated include: - historical relationship of natural water systems to human settlement - the contemporary relationship of waterways to cities - water as a structuring element of urbanity - water and urban identity - water, the public realm and recreation - urban water transport II. Mitigating Natural Disasters (flood, tsunami) This session will present various alternatives to mitigating natural disasters and address the conflict between water and urbanity. Issues to be investigated include: - over-reliance on urban flood protection measures - rediscovery of landscapes hydrological dynamism - increase in urban water calamities (waterlogging, flash flood, etc.) and meteorological extremes by climate change, etc. - new potentials of rainwater-harvesting and retention basins III. Urban Water Management This session aims to concentrate on the fact that the world is witnessing a drastic increase in water demand and with it a renewed need for effective urban water management. Issues to be investigated include: - infrastructure for the safe evacuation of effluent water innovative design of sewerage systems and water treatment plants - maintenance and redesign of old sewerage systems, problem of groundwater infiltration and wastewater seepage - consumption versus conservation of resources - potential re-use of storm water run-off/irrigation water; desalinization IV. Rethinking Water Governance This session will address the political, economic and social reforms that are needed to make conclusive and significant progress of current and emerging water problems. Issues to be investigated include: - innovative policies and practices in the water sector - equity in water distribution and sanitation in a world of economic globalization - matching water infrastructure demand and financial resources - water management in relation to mobility, ecology, tourism, cultural inheritance - water resources as common pool resources For more information:

Event schedule:

  • Start: 12-14-2007
  • End: 03-15-2008.