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3 October 2013 – 5 October 2013
U&U 2013 VII International PhD Seminar Urbanism & Urbanization CALL FOR PAPERS
Paris, France
DEADLINE: 30.04.2013
LIAT - Laboratory of Infrastructure and Architecture Planning
Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture Paris-Malaquais
Urbanism after urbanism is the theme of the 7th edition of the U&U International PhD Seminar that will be held at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture Paris-Malaquais, under the scientific direction of the Laboratory of Infrastructure and Architecture Planning (LIAT) in October 2013.
The 2013 program '’Urbanism after urbanism’’ is the reinvention of the urban planning while dominating worldwide urbanism discards from late capitalism.
Three major issues, interrelated or interdependent, build the approach this year:
1. The first is "condition of product" that characterizes the current urban projects, determined as they are by the generic outcomes of urban marketing ("how to increase the attractiveness of the city"). This question rises from the fact that territories are emerging as goods or products to be sold, promoted and consumed and on the end similar to other human productions.
2. The second questions enquiries the dematerialization of the city caused by the development of self-phones and other lines of tablet computers that deliver real-time data and provide, as regards the displacements, a different perception and organization of daily life;
3. The third approach makes to think on the loss of the functional and administrative value of "the city" in favor of urban areas, and "communities" of all kinds. This question interrogates the future of urban planning when the city becomes a symbolic entity in the market economy.
This threefold questioning raised above calls for presentations that can take various forms, investigation into historical methods of urban analysis or investigation in terms of project and critical theory.
The seminar invites full papers that present a coherent piece of research or dissertation chapter, as well as short papers that address methodology, research question or articulate a starting point for PhD research. Full papers (4000-8000 words) will be organized in thematic sessions. Short papers (2000-2500 words) will be organized in thematic workshops. A selection of seminar contributions will be published.
25 March 2013 | Call for papers launch
30 April 2013 | Deadline abstracts
5 July 2013 | Notification of acceptance
Registartion fee: 180 € is due before September 15th
Included in the registration fee are:
• Conference proceedings;
• Opening reception;
• Refreshments during coffee breaks.
• Dominique Rouillard | ENSAPM (chair)
• Luc Baboulet | ENSA Paris Marne la Vallée
• Michiel Dehaene | Ghent University
• Gilles Delalex | ENSAPM
• Kees Doevendans | Eindhoven University
• Bruno de Meulder | KU LeuvenHan Meyer, TU Delft
• Miodrag Mitrasinovic | Parsons New School, NY
• Joaquim Sabaté | UPC Barcelona
• Bernardo Secchi | IUAV
• Kelly Shannon | AHO Oslo
• Marcel Smets | KU Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
• Paola Viganò | IUAV Università IUAV di Venezia
• Web-site: U&U 2013
• Organisation committee
Event schedule:
- Start: 10-03-2013
- End: 10-05-2013.
The Journal of Urbanism
ISSN 1723-0993
owned by
Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica
published by
Planum Association
ISSN 1723-0993 | Registered at Court of Rome 4/12/2001, num. 514/2001
Web site realized by ChannelWeb & Planum Association | Powered by BEdita 3