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Section Results: Nantes, 'a pleasant town to live in'*
by Romeo Farinella
The paper "Nantes, a pleasant town to live in" written by Romeo Farinella opens the section Results of this topic, describing the application of the French procedures identified with the espression "projet urbain" to the renewal of the city of Nantes.
Here from the 1990's the construction of urban strategies has not been based on the drawing of general master plans, but on the development of many projects of structural relevance.
This kind of 'incremental vision of a city' has followed some guiding principles oriented towards the promotion of different and integrated actions:
• The upgrading of open spaces,
• The reorganization of public transport,
• The rehabilitation of public housing neighbourhoods,
• The design of new neighbourhoods with mixed uses,
• The recovery of areas now disused but strategic for the reorganization of the whole metropolitan area.
In this process, open to the negotiation with local actors, some documents have been produced: they do not take the form of a definitive project; they are instead a repertoire of methodological statements and issues, which are aimed at setting the rules for future transformations. (E.M.)
1. Autour de l’Île: a progressive city project
2. Urban strategies and projects
3. The centrality of public space in defining the project strategy
4. Re-socialising the city
5. The guiding plan for the Île de Nantes
6. A planning-oriented reflection
7. Re-design and rehabilitation of publics spaces
8. The new urban status for the Île
9. Bibliography
* This paper refers to some reflections that are illustrated in the publication "Riqualificare la città, ritrovare il fiume. Nantes, la Loira, l’Île de Nantes", Paesaggio urbano, n. 6. (Farinella 2004) .
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The Journal of Urbanism
ISSN 1723-0993
owned by
Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica
published by
Planum Association
ISSN 1723-0993 | Registered at Court of Rome 4/12/2001, num. 514/2001
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