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19 May 2010 – 11 June 2010

European Prize for Urban Public Space 2010

[i]Results[/i] It is our pleasure to announce the results of the Sixth European Prize for Urban Public Space, which the Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona (CCCB) co-organises with the Architecture Foundation of London (AF), the Architekturzentrum Wien (Az W), la Cité de l’Architecture et du Patrimoine of Paris, the Suomen Rakennustaiteen Museo of Helsinki (SRM), the Nederlands Architectuurinstituut of Rotterdam (NAi) and the Deutsches Architekturmuseum of Frankfurt (DAM). This year, 303 projects from 32 European countries presented for the Prize. The jury formed by Mr. Rafael Moneo as President, Mr. Severi Blomstedt (SRM, Helsinki), Mr. Ole Bouman (NAI, Rotterdam), Ms. Sarah Mineko Ichioka (AF, London), Mr. Francis Rambert (La Cité, Paris), Mr. Dietmar Steiner (AzW, Vienna) and Mr Peter Cachola Schmal (DAM, Frankfurt) met on 25 and 26 March at the CCCB and decided to award the following projects: Joint Winners: Den Norske Opera & Ballett. Oslo, Norway (Snohetta). Open-Air Library. Magdeburg, Germany (with Karo * Netzwerk Architektur +). Special mentions: Passage 56 / espace culturel écologique. Paris, France (atelier d'architecture autogérée). Urban Activator Theater podium & Brug, Grotekerkplein. Rotterdam, The Netherlands (Atelier Kempe Thill architects and planners Atelier Kempe). Casetas fishing in the harbor. Cangas do Morrazo, Spain (+ Irisarri Piñera). Paseo Marítimo Playa de Poniente. Benidorm, Spain (Office of Architecture in Barcelona). The award ceremony will take place on June 11, 2010 For further information you may consult the web site

Event schedule:

  • Start: 05-19-2010
  • End: 06-11-2010.