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17 September 2014 – 30 September 2014
International Summer School SYNCITY 2014: The City of the Future Smart Concepts for Buildings, Infrastructure and Environment
Dresden, Germany
• TUD - TU Dresden, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
The idea of 'smart' and 'intelligent' systems pervades all levels of urban environment. Mostly associated with ICT, cyber-physical systems, and the Internet of Things, "smart" concepts still demand clarification and original interpretation. For the SynCity summer school 2014, TU Dresden invites up to 20 excellent young researchers, PhD-students and PostDocs from all over the world with an interest in technology development and socio-ecology to explore future trends in urban design.
• The Summer School will take place at the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the TU Dresden.
Within the conception of the SynCity 2014 summer school, the acronym 'Syn' stands for two key concepts:
1) SYNCHRONISATION | The coordinated and harmonized interaction of multiple urban systems which is requisite for a truly smart city;
2) SYNERGY | The creativity and innovation that emerges when smart people from different fields, countries, and cultures meet and exchange ideas.
From a practical perspective and through interdisciplinary workshop formats, the summer school SynCity 2014 wants to explore how the inevitable technology push of smart technologies can be directed towards more social, human, and urban sustainable development. The term “smart” is mostly associated to the application of advanced technologies in daily urban life. Yet, urban performance depends not only on the city's endowment of hard infrastructure ('physical / technological capital'), but also on the quality of social infrastructure and environment (‘social and ecological capital').
Recently, the concept of "smart city" has been introduced in the relevant literature and the scientific discussion seeking a balance between Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and Social and Environmental Capital. The latter two assets distinguish "smart" cities from their more technology-laden counterparts, the so-called digital or intelligent cities.
In order to cover and integrate a broad variety of topics that may define the "smart city", and to understand the interaction between different scales and research approaches, the SynCity 2014 evolves on the basis of continuous synchronization amongst topic, scales, and approaches. Therefore, in order to allow a high degree of innovative exchange, summer school participants are invited to locate their research field in the thematic matrix (cube) shown on the photo on the top right.
The summer school programme focuses on cross-disciplinary project work and interactive workshops. Theoretical input will be delivered in keynote speeches from renowned international scholars and practitioners (tbd). Additional impulse lectures will be given by TU Dresden faculty members of the departments
• Architecture
• Civil Engineering
• Environmental Sciences
• Transportation and Traffic Sciences "Friedrich List“.
For a more detailed programme schedule please check the "Schedule" file in the DOWNLOAD column on the right.
Besides renowned international lecturers, professors and scientists of different departments of TU Dresden will give key note speeches, talks, and workshops. The respective institutions to thematically contribute are:
• Prof. Dr. Ing. Wolfgang Wende
• Prof. Dr. Ing. Rainer König
• Prof. Dr. Ing. Rainer Schach
• Prof. Dr. Christian Bernhofer
• Prof. Dipl. Ing. Gerald Staib
• Jun. Prof. Dr. Ing. Jörg Rainer Nönnig
• Dipl. Ing. Manuel Bäumler
For more info on the lecturers and the lectures go the designated Summer Schooh website.
Explicit target group for the SynCity summer school are researchers, who are in an early stage of their academic career, such as PhD students, Post-Docs, and junior faculty, (at least Master degree level), from all over the world.
With the application to the summer school, candidates automatically apply for a refund of up to 90 % of the travel costs. Candidates will be informed about the exact funding with the letter of acceptance.
To apply for both, the participation in the summer school AND a travel grant for up to 90% of your expenses, please send the following documents to our e-mail adress
1. Curriculum Vitae / Biosketch (max. 2 pages)
2. Filled in document "Personal and scientific statement" (Please download the file Here)
3. Official document proving your enrollment for / accomplishment of PhD studies.
4. Work sample (paper, thesis chapter, project)
Please submit your application through e-mail not later than June 25, 2014 (EXTENDED!).
Participation is limited to 15 international participants. Additionally 5 PhD students from TU Dresden can take part at SynCity. If you are a PhD-student at TU Dresden please also go through the application process and send your application as mentioned above.
• Dipl. -Ing. Anja Jannack
• Dipl. -Ing. Benjamin Felbrich
• Msc. José Mercado
• Dr. Katrin Fritzsche
• SynCity 2014 Summer School website
• E-mail:
• Jörg Rainer Noennig - Summer School Director
Tel: +49 (351) 463 32210
Event schedule:
- Start: 09-17-2014
- End: 09-30-2014.
The Journal of Urbanism
ISSN 1723-0993
owned by
Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica
published by
Planum Association
ISSN 1723-0993 | Registered at Court of Rome 4/12/2001, num. 514/2001
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