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8 June 2009

The Californian paradox: laboratory of urban mobility?

[i]Second session [/i] June 10 Paris Entry open to all, but registration is compulsory: Partners: Télécom ParisTech and Cycle d'urbanisme de SciencesPo. California is both characterized by a very high economic and individual dependence on private cars and, simultaneously, a high level of activism and commitment to tackling the environment and climate change. In this context, what are the debates and approaches that interest the leading players on the Californian scene? Guest experts: Donald Shoup, Fellow of the American Institute of Certified Planners, is a professor of urban planning at UCLA, where he has served as Chair of the Department of Urban Planning and as Director of the Institute of Transportation Studies. Elizabeth Sullivan is a co-founder of Streetline Networks. Her work in urban community transformation and smart growth has earned her recognition from many agencies and associations. Discussant: Benoît Lefèvre, Research Fellow, Institute of Sustainable Development and International Relations (IDDRI) They will be “questioned” in public by a multidisciplinary panel of European specialists and answer to specific, pre-prepared questions. Panel members and biographies: For details of the program, guests and panel members, future sessions, go to: For questions or information, contact: [][/url]

Event schedule:

  • Start: 06-08-2009
  • End: 06-08-2009.