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Conference Proceedings NUL | NEW URBAN LANGUAGES Session 4 | New Urban Metaphors
As pointed out by some of the most interesting contemporary studies define urban complexity and make it visible and clear means trying new epistemological strategies. Among these the metaphor appears as one of the most common cognitive attitudes and, at the same time, one of the most contradictory and problematic. Not much research has been carried out so far on imaginary urban in Europe, especially as regards the medium and small cities. Urban policies are based mainly on the physical and socio-economic data, and as regards qualitative, look with interest the analysis of the needs of citizens and then use surveys on opinions and attitudes (especially stakeholders).
An analysis of urban imaginary and related languages can be resources which, if analyzed, could instead act as a catalyst to allow the urban policies to intercept the needs and aspirations of the people. Using P.Healey words (In Search of the “Strategic” in Spatial Strategy Making, 2010) “Meaning making often gets explored not just through defining alternative designs and options, but by the use of metaphor and analogy. Framing work, like the process of probing the available knowledge about situations and issues, requires an expansive yet integrative, pluralistic yet synthetic, collective imagination.”
Chairs: Antonella Contin, Javier Ruiz Sanchez
• Exploring the Framework of the Strategic Spatial Planning for the Vision ‘Tehran 2025’
Mina Akhavan, Mohammad Ali Behbahani
• Representing the “cities of difference”. Narratives, perceptions and policies in multi-ethnic environments
Paola Briata
• Pragmatic heterotopias. The redefinition of urban scapes trough street art: the case of Grottaglie
Giovanni Caffio
• Ecological urbanism. The eco-systemic framework of “informal” processes of urbanization
Antonia Chiesa
• Urban Devices. The representation of the urban landscape and scenarios of endogenous transformation
Alessandra Cirafici, Caterina Cristina Fiorentino
• The mapping desiring. A project of a new cartography: patterns of use, spatial experiences and perceptions of the urban environment in the ICT era
Antonella Contìn
• Bahasa Walikan Malangan and the building of Indo-Javanese urban spaces
DeAndré A. Espree-Conaway
• Modernization alignment of Tehran urban symbols with Tehran citizens’ ways of conceptualizing
Susan Ghaffaryan, Hamidreza Rabiei Dastjerdi
• City and citizen as a text and its author. A semiotic reading
Abdollah Karimzadeh, Hamid Rabie, Alireza Khosravi
• Toward a metropolitan design
Sofia Morgado
• Collective intelligence and cities, more than an urban metaphor
Roy Emiliano Nash
• Understanding urban complexity in the light of asymmetrical warfare. Topological systems and complex relationship for analyzing the space of urban conflict
Inés Aquilué Junyent , Javier Ruiz Sanchez
• Three images of the contemporary city
Marialessandra Secchi
• Fashion metaphors for the city. The discourse of urban representations by fashion phenomenon
Maria Skivko
- LIST OF CONTENTS | Session 4 | NUL Conference Proceedings
- 01 NUL Conference Akhavan, Behbahani Session 4
- 02 NUL Conference Briata Session 4
- 03 NUL Conference Caffio Session 4
- 04 NUL Conference Chiesa Session 4
- 05 NUL Conference Cirafici, Fiorentino Session 4
- 06 NUL Conference Contin Session 4
- 07 NUL Conference Espree-Conaway Session 4
- 08 NUL Conference Ghaffaryan, Dastjerdi Session 4
- 09 NUL Conference Karimzadeh, Khosravi, Destgerdi Session 4
- 10 NUL Conference Morgado Session 4
- 11 NUL Conference Nash Session 4
- 12 NUL Conference Junyent, Sanchez Session 4
- 13 NUL Conference Secchi Session 4
- 14 NUL Conference Skivko Session 4
The Journal of Urbanism
ISSN 1723-0993
owned by
Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica
published by
Planum Association
ISSN 1723-0993 | Registered at Court of Rome 4/12/2001, num. 514/2001
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